Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1721589622000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $1,247.91 1,250.41 0.9980 📖 Tx
1721589622000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy No $1.16 580.33 0.0020 📖 Tx
1721589622000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $668.74 670.08 0.9980 📖 Tx
1721355719000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $50.54 60.17 0.8400 📖 Tx
1721355719000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $171.10 202.00 0.8470 📖 Tx
1721355719000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $120.56 141.83 0.8500 📖 Tx
1721355657000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $212.50 250.00 0.8500 📖 Tx
1721355657000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $212.50 250.00 0.8500 📖 Tx
1721049778000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $259.71 701.92 0.3700 📖 Tx
1721049778000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $442.21 701.92 0.6300 📖 Tx
1720956587000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $72.05 131.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1720956587000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $58.95 131.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1720956553000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $385.00 700.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1720956553000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $315.00 700.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1720784864000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $69.49 169.49 0.4100 📖 Tx
1720784864000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $100.00 169.49 0.5900 📖 Tx
1720569226000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $86.00 200.00 0.4300 📖 Tx
1720569226000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $516.18 1,200.41 0.4300 📖 Tx
1720569226000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $430.18 1,000.41 0.4300 📖 Tx
1720131218000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy No $102.00 300.00 0.3400 📖 Tx
1720131218000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $198.00 300.00 0.6600 📖 Tx
1720047976000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $157.48 254.00 0.6200 📖 Tx
1720047976000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $157.48 254.00 0.6200 📖 Tx
1719959146000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $86.78 180.79 0.4800 📖 Tx
1719959146000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $94.01 180.79 0.5200 📖 Tx
1719959082000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $93.91 208.69 0.4500 📖 Tx
1719959082000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $93.91 208.69 0.4500 📖 Tx
1719940804000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $76.63 191.58 0.4000 📖 Tx
1719940804000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell Yes $615.63 1,573.63 0.3912 📖 Tx
1719940804000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Sell No $840.00 1,377.05 0.6100 📖 Tx
1719940804000 Will Biden drop out of presidential race? Buy Yes $1.95 5.00 0.3900 📖 Tx
1719940790000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $50.00 108.70 0.4600 📖 Tx
1719940790000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell No $58.70 108.70 0.5400 📖 Tx
1719604701000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $225.00 500.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1719604701000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $225.00 500.00 0.4500 📖 Tx
1717249500000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Buy Yes $224.00 400.00 0.5600 📖 Tx
1717249500000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $124.32 222.00 0.5600 📖 Tx
1717249500000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $99.68 178.00 0.5600 📖 Tx
1716499560000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy Yes $156.00 200.00 0.7800 📖 Tx
1716498838000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $32.00 200.00 0.1600 📖 Tx
1716498838000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes $168.00 200.00 0.8400 📖 Tx
1715970628000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell No $140.00 400.00 0.3500 📖 Tx
1715970628000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $260.00 400.00 0.6500 📖 Tx
1715970404000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $4.74 5.65 0.8400 📖 Tx
1715970404000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy Yes $31.10 194.35 0.1600 📖 Tx
1715970404000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy No $168.00 200.00 0.8400 📖 Tx
1715885923000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $116.00 200.00 0.5800 📖 Tx
1715799769000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy Yes $27.70 277.00 0.1000 📖 Tx
1715799769000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy No $249.30 277.00 0.9000 📖 Tx
1715512628000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $110.00 200.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1715221349000 Will weed be rescheduled in 2024? Sell Yes $110.00 200.00 0.5500 📖 Tx
1715069876000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy No $372.00 400.00 0.9300 📖 Tx
1715069876000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy Yes $28.00 400.00 0.0700 📖 Tx
1712751387000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $6.63 8.19 0.8100 📖 Tx
1712751387000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Buy No $6.63 8.19 0.8100 📖 Tx
1711406200000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $126.08 165.89 0.7600 📖 Tx
1711406200000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes $39.81 165.89 0.2400 📖 Tx
1708345690000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $174.00 300.00 0.5800 📖 Tx
1708341035000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell Yes $83.39 203.39 0.4100 📖 Tx
1708341035000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $120.00 203.39 0.5900 📖 Tx
1708127271000 Will Trump appear on Maine primary ballot? Buy Yes $69.35 73.00 0.9500 📖 Tx
1707829664000 Will Trump appear on Maine primary ballot? Buy Yes $47.50 50.00 0.9500 📖 Tx
1706138184000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $0.04 0.09 0.5000 📖 Tx
1706136885000 Ethereum ETF approved by May 31? Sell No $99.95 199.91 0.5000 📖 Tx
1706040923000 Will Novak Djokovic win the Australian Open? Sell No $99.50 199.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1706032493000 Will Novak Djokovic win the Australian Open? Sell No $0.50 1.00 0.5000 📖 Tx
1704288130000 Bitcoin ETF approved by Jan 15? Buy Yes $96.00 120.00 0.8000 📖 Tx
1704288130000 Bitcoin ETF approved by Jan 15? Buy No $24.00 120.00 0.2000 📖 Tx
1704260037000 Bitcoin ETF approved by Jan 15? Sell Yes $174.00 200.00 0.8700 📖 Tx
1704235264000 Bitcoin ETF approved by Jan 15? Sell Yes $25.00 28.41 0.8800 📖 Tx
1704235264000 Bitcoin ETF approved by Jan 15? Sell No $3.41 28.41 0.1200 📖 Tx
1704235146000 Will Vivek drop out of presidential race before February? Sell Yes $75.00 125.00 0.6000 📖 Tx
1704235146000 Will Vivek drop out of presidential race before February? Sell No $50.00 125.00 0.4000 📖 Tx
1704234494000 Will Trump appear on Colorado primary ballot? Sell No $5.70 114.00 0.0500 📖 Tx
1704234494000 Will Trump appear on Colorado primary ballot? Sell Yes $108.30 114.00 0.9500 📖 Tx
1704234424000 Will Trump appear on Maine primary ballot? Sell Yes $100.00 123.46 0.8100 📖 Tx
1704234424000 Will Trump appear on Maine primary ballot? Sell No $23.46 123.46 0.1900 📖 Tx
1704233266000 Bitcoin ETF approved by Jan 15? Sell No $3.09 28.09 0.1100 📖 Tx
1704233266000 Bitcoin ETF approved by Jan 15? Sell Yes $25.00 28.09 0.8900 📖 Tx
1652521176000 Will any NATO member country invoke Article 5 by June 30, 2022? Sell No $60.10 63.03 0.9535 Tx
1652521160000 Will the Fed set interest rates above 1% after their scheduled June meeting? Sell Yes $63.73 67.75 0.9407 Tx
1652521142000 Will OpenSea launch a token by June 1st, 2022? Sell No $68.75 74.27 0.9256 Tx
1652521124000 Will the Ethereum Merge (EIP-3675) occur by January 1, 2023? Sell Yes $92.08 103.58 0.8890 Tx
1652521050000 Will MetaMask launch a token by June 1st, 2022? Sell No $93.93 100.97 0.9303 Tx
1650475898000 Will any NATO member country invoke Article 5 by June 30, 2022? Buy No $60.00 63.03 0.9519 Tx
1650475716000 Will the Fed set interest rates above 1% after their scheduled June meeting? Buy Yes $60.00 67.75 0.8855 Tx
1650475518000 Will MetaMask launch a token by June 1st, 2022? Buy No $75.00 100.97 0.7428 Tx
1650475480000 Will OpenSea launch a token by June 1st, 2022? Buy No $70.00 74.28 0.9424 Tx
1650475130000 Will the Ethereum Merge (EIP-3675) occur by January 1, 2023? Buy Yes $70.00 103.58 0.6758 Tx
1650475088000 Will Joe Biden win the U.S. 2024 Democratic presidential nomination? Sell No $104.08 173.04 0.6015 Tx
1644449508000 Will Trump’s Truth Social launch on the iOS app store by March 31st? Buy No $48.22 104.49 0.4615 Tx
1644449324000 Will Boris Johnson be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on May 20, 2022? Sell Yes $48.22 94.82 0.5085 Tx
1644449164000 Will Joe Biden win the U.S. 2024 Democratic presidential nomination? Buy No $112.26 173.05 0.6487 Tx
1644449036000 Will Boris Johnson be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on May 20, 2022? Buy Yes $50.00 94.82 0.5273 Tx
1644448630000 Will OpenSea airdrop a native token by March 31st, 2022? Buy No $100.00 110.25 0.9071 Tx
1644448606000 Will Zerion airdrop a native token by March 31st, 2022? Buy No $100.00 121.92 0.8202 Tx
1636914643000 Which cryptocurrency will have higher market cap on November 18th: Cardano ($ADA) or Solana ($SOL)? Buy Cardano $20.00 109.70 0.1823 Tx
1636914501000 Will OpenSea launch a token by the end of 2021? Buy No $100.00 126.10 0.7930 Tx
1629048168000 Will the US have more than 200,000 new daily COVID-19 cases on or before October 1, 2021? Buy Yes $10.00 18.35 0.5451 Tx
1628684943000 Will the US have more than 200,000 new daily COVID-19 cases on or before October 1, 2021? Sell Yes $44.28 64.19 0.6898 Tx