Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1647219281000 Will Marine Le Pen win 2nd place in the first round of the 2022 French presidential election? Buy No $450.00 1,453.56 0.3096 Tx
1647215917000 Will Ukraine formally cede Crimea, Luhansk, or Donetsk by May 31, 2022? Sell Yes $38.76 170.00 0.2280 Tx
1647215833000 Will Ukraine formally cede Crimea, Luhansk, or Donetsk by May 31, 2022? Sell Yes $1,065.90 4,400.00 0.2422 Tx
1647203403000 Will Ukraine formally cede Crimea, Luhansk, or Donetsk by May 31, 2022? Buy Yes $700.00 2,821.18 0.2481 Tx
1647201865000 Will Russia expand its number of federal subjects by July 1, 2022? Buy Yes $300.00 912.30 0.3288 Tx
1647150022000 Will Ukraine formally cede Crimea, Luhansk, or Donetsk by May 31, 2022? Buy Yes $450.00 1,962.58 0.2293 Tx
1647123301000 Will Russia expand its number of federal subjects by July 1, 2022? Buy Yes $500.00 1,420.76 0.3519 Tx