Polymarket Whales



Will 100 million people have received a dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine in the US by April 1, 2021?

Whales LPs Trades Polymarket

Outcome: Yes No All
Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1614634943000 Sell Yes $353.48 664.52 0.5319 Tx
1614507151000 Buy Yes $311.93 634.58 0.4916 Tx
1614455851000 Buy Yes $371.87 779.94 0.4768 Tx
1611569559000 Sell No $320.73 899.83 0.3564 Tx
1611177888000 Sell No $382.41 648.00 0.5901 Tx
1611050039000 Buy No $400.00 747.49 0.5351 Tx
1610991690000 Sell No $302.24 488.00 0.6193 Tx
1610492905000 Sell Yes $355.31 980.76 0.3623 Tx
1610489033000 Buy Yes $300.00 745.92 0.4022 Tx
1610488985000 Sell No $310.84 500.00 0.6217 Tx
1610488655000 Buy No $662.00 1,055.38 0.6273 Tx