Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1713629117000 Will 2024 be the hottest year on record? Buy Yes $332.54 576.39 0.5769 📖 Tx
1712507417000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Buy Yes $2,170.01 3,100.01 0.7000 📖 Tx
1712506671000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Buy Yes $629.99 899.99 0.7000 📖 Tx
1712506249000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Buy Yes $700.00 1,000.00 0.7000 📖 Tx
1712466132000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Buy Yes $1,399.30 1,999.00 0.7000 📖 Tx
1712243504000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Sell Yes $899.00 1,664.81 0.5400 📖 Tx
1712243504000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Sell No $765.81 1,664.81 0.4600 📖 Tx
1712243410000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Sell Yes $500.00 927.49 0.5391 📖 Tx
1712243410000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Sell No $387.88 843.23 0.4600 📖 Tx
1712071959000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Sell No $260.20 510.20 0.5100 📖 Tx
1711973557000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Sell No $540.00 1,000.00 0.5400 📖 Tx
1711973557000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Sell No $530.00 1,000.00 0.5300 📖 Tx
1711973557000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Sell Yes $999.63 2,133.90 0.4685 📖 Tx
1711961113000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Buy No $530.00 1,000.00 0.5300 📖 Tx
1711961113000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Buy No $745.08 1,262.85 0.5900 📖 Tx
1711961113000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Buy Yes $1,082.63 2,500.00 0.4331 📖 Tx
1711887760000 Will 2024 have the hottest March on record? Sell Yes $299.17 702.72 0.4257 📖 Tx
1710482571000 ETH above $4,000 next Friday? Buy No $298.03 313.72 0.9500 📖 Tx
1710175376000 Will 2024 have the hottest February on record? Sell Yes $1,280.48 1,290.81 0.9920 📖 Tx
1710175376000 Will 2024 have the hottest February on record? Sell Yes $1,435.47 1,448.51 0.9910 📖 Tx
1710175376000 Will 2024 have the hottest February on record? Buy Yes $2,975.65 3,000.32 0.9918 📖 Tx
1710175376000 Will 2024 have the hottest February on record? Sell Yes $259.69 261.00 0.9950 📖 Tx
1710075214000 Will 2024 have the hottest February on record? Sell Yes $274.78 347.82 0.7900 📖 Tx
1710053448000 Will 2024 have the hottest February on record? Buy Yes $457.10 564.32 0.8100 📖 Tx
1710053448000 Will 2024 have the hottest February on record? Sell Yes $968.38 1,217.13 0.7956 📖 Tx
1709589672000 Bitcoin all time high today? Sell No $252.78 277.78 0.9100 📖 Tx
1709589652000 Bitcoin all time high today? Sell No $252.78 277.78 0.9100 📖 Tx
1709589563000 Bitcoin all time high today? Sell No $434.78 477.78 0.9100 📖 Tx
1709064660000 Will Sweden join NATO by February 29? Buy No $434.28 440.00 0.9870 📖 Tx
1709064660000 Will Sweden join NATO by February 29? Buy No $1,431.65 1,449.04 0.9880 📖 Tx
1708991191000 Will Sweden join NATO by February 29? Buy Yes $456.86 1,000.00 0.4569 📖 Tx
1702198562000 Will Hamas surrender in 2023? Buy No $1,426.83 1,434.00 0.9950 📖 Tx
1701464623000 Will Taylor Swift be the 2023 TIME Person of the Year? Sell No $273.39 333.00 0.8210 📖 Tx
1701461123000 Will Taylor Swift be the 2023 TIME Person of the Year? Sell No $289.67 352.83 0.8210 📖 Tx
1701254830000 Will the Hamas x Israel ceasefire last 8 days? Sell Yes $251.14 283.46 0.8860 📖 Tx
1700831505000 Will Hamas release 20+ hostages in a single day by Nov 30? Sell Yes $566.67 666.67 0.8500 📖 Tx
1700576686000 Will Hamas surrender in 2023? Sell No $1,559.02 1,656.77 0.9410 📖 Tx
1680854667000 Will the Twitter home button still be DOGE on Friday? Sell No $351.24 390.27 0.9000 📖 Tx
1679063984000 Will NATO expand by March 31? Sell No $606.67 666.67 0.9100 📖 Tx
1670586899000 Will 'Elden Ring' win Game of the Year? Sell Yes $321.42 325.12 0.9886 Tx
1669390963000 Will a nuclear weapon be detonated before 2023? Sell No $332.07 369.37 0.8990 Tx
1669317631000 Will a nuclear weapon be detonated before 2023? Buy No $671.58 737.92 0.9101 Tx
1669317105000 Will Volodymyr Zelenskyy be the 2022 TIME Person of the Year? Buy Yes $300.00 445.47 0.6735 Tx
1669316837000 Will @realDonaldTrump tweet in 2022? Sell Yes $1,093.28 3,005.00 0.3638 Tx
1668891424000 Will @realDonaldTrump tweet in 2022? Buy Yes $2,050.00 3,007.53 0.6816 Tx
1668018264000 Will NATO expand in 2022? Sell Yes $460.11 3,053.00 0.1507 Tx
1663364792000 Will NATO expand in 2022? Buy Yes $292.00 1,015.52 0.2875 Tx
1658685823000 Will NATO expand in 2022? Buy Yes $418.00 997.06 0.4192 Tx
1652991565000 Will NATO expand in 2022? Buy Yes $400.00 714.53 0.5598 Tx