Polymarket Whales



Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1609996496000 Will Joe Biden be inaugurated as President of the USA on January 20th, 2021? Buy No $893.00 15,842.89 0.0564 Tx
1609721968000 Will Joe Biden be inaugurated as President of the USA on January 20th, 2021? Buy No $1,500.00 11,101.24 0.1351 Tx
1608013880000 Will Trump win any of Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia? Buy Yes $100.00 13,381.79 0.0075 Tx
1608013540000 Will Trump win any of Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia? Buy Yes $100.00 14,091.75 0.0071 Tx
1608013378000 Will Trump win any of Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia? Buy Yes $100.00 13,460.10 0.0074 Tx
1608013102000 Will Trump win any of Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia? Buy Yes $100.00 16,551.16 0.0060 Tx
1607993726000 Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for his second term as President of the USA on Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2021? Buy Yes $1,000.00 10,371.76 0.0964 Tx
1607864084000 Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for his second term as President of the USA on Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2021? Buy Yes $1,100.00 13,056.55 0.0842 Tx
1606796305000 Will Trump win any of Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia? Buy Yes $1,000.00 11,779.20 0.0849 Tx
1606634711000 Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for his second term as President of the USA on Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2021? Buy Yes $2,123.00 15,664.16 0.1355 Tx