Polymarket Whales

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Min trade amount: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Min shares: 0 250 1000 2000 5000 10000 50000
Timestamp Market Taker Maker Type Outcome Direction Amount Shares Price
1613148181000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Sell Trail Blazers $264.53 270.08 0.9794 Tx
1613108680000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $300.00 301.21 0.9960 Tx
1613108678000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $500.00 504.90 0.9903 Tx
1613108664000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $1,000.00 1,037.89 0.9635 Tx
1613108624000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $1,000.00 1,057.15 0.9459 Tx
1613108520000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $500.00 534.96 0.9346 Tx
1613108510000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $500.00 577.01 0.8665 Tx
1613108492000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $307.35 401.81 0.7649 Tx
1613108072000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Sell Trail Blazers $504.06 567.83 0.8877 Tx
1613108052000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $258.00 276.62 0.9327 Tx
1613108042000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $267.74 296.05 0.9044 Tx
1613108006000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $336.00 452.55 0.7425 Tx
1613107910000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Sell 76ers $348.74 813.58 0.4286 Tx
1613107128000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Sell Trail Blazers $292.78 420.75 0.6959 Tx
1613106848000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy 76ers $322.44 2,130.21 0.1514 Tx
1613106844000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $2,000.00 2,372.90 0.8428 Tx
1613023623000 Will the 76ers or the Trail Blazers win their February 11th matchup? Buy Trail Blazers $285.00 754.05 0.3780 Tx